Top 8 Negotiation Skills You Must Learn to Succeed

Increasingly, business negotiators recognize that the most effective bargainers are skilled at both creating value and claiming value—that is, they both collaborate and compete. The following 8 negotiation skills will help you succeed at integrative negotiation
  1. Set the right tone. The first impression of how you're going to negotiate is very crucial in the negotiation. There's no right or wrong about what is the best tone either it's collaborative or competitive. It's depend on counterpart profile, negotiator strategy and objectives they would like to reach in the negotiation. But once it's set, it quite difficult to change in the middle of negotiation.
  2. Listen...listen...listen. Information play critical role in the negotiation. The more information we have, the easier our negotiation will be. But most often the information given on the table are not clear enough. It's very important to have great listening skills to capture all the information and be alert if there's information in the form of signal.
  3. Ask constructive question. We can gain more in integrative negotiation by asking lots of constructive question. Constructive question is important to understand your counterpart issues. Good constructive question can bring up the motives, needs, priorities, constraints, power, interest, concerns by your counterpart. Constructive question also able to check facts and test the assumption.
  4. Smart Tradeoff. In a distributive negotiation, parties are often stuck making concessions and demands on a single issue, such as price. In integrative negotiation, you can capitalize on the presence of multiple issues to get both sides more of what they want. Specifically, try to identify issues that your counterpart cares deeply about that you value less. Then propose making a concession on that issue in exchange for a concession from her on an issue you value highly
  5. Manage the process. There's a process in negotiation and it is like a map. It will show where we are, where we want to go and how to get there in the negotiation. Manage the negotiation process properly will give significant advantageous in the negotiation table as once we can manage the process, we can control the negotiation.
  6. Use the Power. Success and failure in negotiating is driven by the power dynamic. Who holds more power? How much power? What and when the power is deployed? Negotiating power can come from any sources and takes in many different forms. In general negotiating power can be in the form of tangible resources which called HARD POWER and intangible resources which called SOFT POWER. More about negotiation power can be read in my other article through this link
  7. Trading Opinion. Negotiators often get stuck because they disagree about how a certain scenario will play out over time. In such cases, don't try to push your opinion but try to Trading Opinion—in essence, a bet about how future events will unfold. For example, if you doubt a contractor’s claims that he can finish your home renovation project in three months, propose a contingent contract that will penalize him for late completion and/or reward him for early completion. If he truly believes his claims, he should have no problem accepting such terms. Want to know more how Trading Opinion works in negotiation read my my other article through this link
  8. Know when and how to close. For most of negotiator stopping negotiation either by close it or walk away is always be one of the difficult decision. Some of their concern such as i'll miss the opportunity, i'll broke the relationship and many more. So it's very important to know when to stop and close the negotiation. What's the most common closing opportunity in the negotiation? Find in my other article through here
Don't know how to use the skills?
Don't worry, Scotwork has more than 40 years experience in the negotiation around the world. We will help you to practice all the skills required to boost the negotiation deal. Our skills has been demonstrated by more than 200,000 managers and executives and help them to get better business deal. Talk to our expert today.
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About the author
Handito is highly talented and well experienced Senior Management person who has background career in operation for some Forbes 500 companies, big 4 consulting, and also being part of Executive Management Level with a lot of exposure on strategy development & execution, business development, commercial negotiation and operational improvement .
Now he work at Scotwork to share his experience in negotiating to help many people become FEARLESS Negotiator and to Negotiate Better


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