Negotiation Tips - Trade Your Opinion

I'm a big fans of Manchester United, while my colleagues is Liverpool fans. When we talk about who will won the EPL next season, we can have long time argument and maybe end up with fighting to defense our opinion.  One effective way to stop the arguments is by playing BET that the loser will pay sum of money to the winner.  It's the same situation in the commercial negotiation. If we find that the other parties have very strong opinion about currency exchange will be higher than X, while we believe the opposite (lower than X) convince the other parties to agree with our opinion could be very difficult, time consuming, and can end up with debating that loose the relationship.  How to deal with the situation is like my EPL, who is the winner case. Trade my opinion with other parties opinion is the best way. IF the currency higher than X, we will use price A. But IF the currency lower than X, we will use price B. This way can make your negotiation move forward, save time and avoid debate that able to loose the relationship. This is my negotiation, How about you? hashtagnegotiation hashtagnegotiationtips hashtagscotwork hashtagcommercials hashtagbusiness


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