
Showing posts from August, 2018

Top 8 Negotiation Skills You Must Learn to Succeed

Increasingly, business negotiators recognize that the most effective bargainers are skilled at both creating value and claiming value—that is, they both collaborate and compete. The following 8 negotiation skills will help you succeed at integrative negotiation Set the right tone . The first impression of how you're going to negotiate is very crucial in the negotiation. There's no right or wrong about what is the best tone either it's collaborative or competitive. It's depend on counterpart profile, negotiator strategy and objectives they would like to reach in the negotiation. But once it's set, it quite difficult to change in the middle of negotiation. Listen...listen...listen . Information play critical role in the negotiation. The more information we have, the easier our negotiation will be. But most often the information given on the table are not clear enough. It's very important to have great listening skills to capture all the information and be al

Negotiation Tips - Trade Your Opinion

I'm a big fans of Manchester United, while my colleagues is Liverpool fans. When we talk about who will won the EPL next season, we can have long time argument and maybe end up with fighting to defense our opinion.  One effective way to stop the arguments is by playing BET that the loser will pay sum of money to the winner.  It's the same situation in the commercial negotiation. If we find that the other parties have very strong opinion about currency exchange will be higher than X, while we believe the opposite (lower than X) convince the other parties to agree with our opinion could be very difficult, time consuming, and can end up with debating that loose the relationship.  How to deal with the situation is like my EPL, who is the winner case. Trade my opinion with other parties opinion is the best way. IF the currency higher than X, we will use price A. But IF the currency lower than X, we will use price B. This way can make your negotiation move forward, save tim

10 Worst Negotiating Habit to avoid

Negotiation play critical role in the business, and it require set of skills to get the deal better. It can be uncomfortable: standing up for yourself, asking for what you want, and trying to get a better price, terms, and condition often feels confrontational–and most of us avoid confrontation. Thus unfortunately many people remain do this 10 negotiation mistake because of the pressure and the tension created in the negotiation. What's the 10 mistake and how to avoid? This article will provide the common mistake in negotiation and how to avoid it. PERSUADE TOO MUCH People are keen to talk more and like to influence or convince people. But try to convince and repeat the same things over and over will not solve the problem as it will irritate the other parties and create more tension in the negotiation. It's important in the negotiation the have as much as information from the other parties, so NEGOTIATING DIALOGUE by asking good question is more likely to work rathe

Can Robot Replace us to negotiate?

Nowadays AI is getting more and more important in our life. The evolution of AI has significantly help human being to live better and help business to understand more about their customer so they can provide better services. AI can help us in many aspects almost no boundaries include in Negotiation. Many research show that it will become a reality such as   this research . But the next question will arise is "Can Robot or AI Replace us to negotiate"? Before we can answer the question, we need to identify what key attributes makes a good negotiator. In my experience there are 5 key attributes makes a good negotiator that are Having long term perspectives Trusted Cognitive Flexibility Critical Thinking Creative To justify can AI negotiate better than us, we will review one by one of each attributes. HAVING LONG TERM PERSPECTIVES Most often we are going to negotiation that have long term impact both in business and relationship. Focusing only short term o