Why make change stick is big challenge?
Recently, as the impact of unpredictable world economic situation a lot of organization perform Change initiatives to make their organization to be more adaptive with the challenge. Some of the change initiatives are performed in small scale while some other are performed in bigger scale and sometimes the change initiatives involving entire element of organization. In 2011, McKinsey Global Institute have conducted research for this topic and they found that 3 out of 10 change initiatives was failed to be implemented in the organization. This fact indicate that to make change is a big challenge and require great effort to make it happen. But there is even a bigger challenge when the organization try to make their change stick for few times ahead. What makes change to stick is a big challenge?
To make the change sustainable mostly influenced by people mindset and behavior. Technical improvement could make dramatic performance improvement, but behavioural effect will make it sustain. Focus only on the Technical side of improvement will not make the change sustain. This is why as Consultant I’ve seen a lot of our client improvement/change program only last for 1-2 years after the initiation stage, and the euphoria of success within that time. In next year the impact of the improvement program decrease significantly and surprising management team. Then they decide to make another improvement program in the same field. This cycle is continuously happen and never end.
There are 2 common technique to shifting people mindset and behavior. First is Outside-In, this technique is try to shifting people mindset mostly through external factor of the individual. This technique is commonly used in the marketing field to advertise and improve product brand (brain wash method). Second is Inside-Out, this technique is try to shifting people mindset and behavior mostly through internal factor of the individual. This technique is widely used by psychologist or personal coach. Which one is the best technique is depend on the situation that currently faced but if the case is to make change sustain within an organization inside-out method is preferable. In the next article I’ll provide insight on how the inside-out method is implemented in the organization
About the writer:
Handito is highly talented and well experienced Top Level Management person who has background career in operation for some Multinational Companies, big 4 consulting, and also a top level management with alot of exposure on strategy development & execution, strategic marketing & business development, commercial negotiation and operational improvement. Now he is enjoy to teach people and organization to negotiate better and get better deal.
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